• 15 September 2022
  • 13:30-14:30
  • Room: Digital Room 2

Walk the talk of inclusive land governance – Practical approaches and voices from stakeholders


Digital Room 2

Transforming agri-food systems to combat climate change, halt and reverse natural resources degradation and feed a growing population puts land a focus of interest. The pressure on land is growing and comes with a magnitude of implications. The intersectionality of climate change, population dynamics, and external shocks like the pandemic constitute a major challenge. The session will address the potential and challenges of inclusive land governance as a lever to enhance local resilience and maintain a healthy and productive environment. Practical examples from African countries will be presented and discussed to inspire action for sustainable landscapes that “leave no one behind.” Different marginalized population groups like women, refugees, pastoralists and IPLC will be at the center of the discussion.

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