We will update this page with latest updates every few days in the lead up to #glfBonn2019. Please keep checking back for new announcements and assets.
You can find suggested social media posts below. We encourage you to accompany these social media messages with a webcard or image. You can access these digital assets, plus all our suggested social media posts below. Please join us and share with your followers! We encourage you to bookmark this page, as new digital assets will be added every few days.
Questions? Please send a message to our social media coordinator at L.Dejene@cgiar.org.
About Bonn, Germany
Get ready for a world-class forum, including CIFOR, UN Environment, the World Bank, GIZ, FAO, the Youth in Landscapes Initiative, Global Peatlands Initiative, IPMGSDG, UN-REDD, WRI, IUFRO, CIRAD, Rights and Resources, The Tenure Facility, Forest Peoples Programme, CATIE, GRID-Arendal and many more.
The 2019 Annual GLF Event will focus the world’s attention on the fundamental importance of rights to address the current environmental crisis. Linking people to landscapes, the GLF will explore the essential contributions of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and rural and Indigenous women and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement on climate change, highlighting the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches for securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all.
The GLF aims to make this year a turning point for how rights, traditional knowledge and proposed solutions from the ground are respected, considered and implemented in policy, action and investment cycles globally. Connect, share, learn and act with the GLF in Bonn and be part of the change!
Share how your organization is driving key messages at GLF Bonn 2019. Then tell the world about it with #GLFBonn2019 so we can share and retweet your content.
You can use our sample tweets and posts below, but it is always more effective to craft your own messages and tell your own stories with a personal twist. Whatever you decide, we have provided everything you need to get going below:
Some posts to get you started (many more below!):
#thinklandscape #GLFBonn2019
Other hashtags: #indigenousrights #landrightsnow