Host a session at GLF Bonn


Connect, share, learn and act with the GLF in Bonn this summer to shape a rights-led transformation of sustainability and build productive, prosperous, equitable and resilient landscapes. The GLF is working constantly to inspire and drive action and aspires to create a movement of 1 billion people around sustainable landscapes. Together, through collaborative leadership, we will create a global force for positive change by realizing a vision of what we can do if we all work together.

This June at GLF Bonn, thousands of participants from across sectors and a global online audience will explore the role of rights and rights-based approaches for securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all. Discussions will revolve around the GLF’s five core themes: Rights, Food & Livelihoods, Landscape Restoration, Financing Sustainable Landscapes and Measuring progress towards development goals.

There are several ways you can help shape this event.

Interactive Session (formerly called Discussion Forums)

Shape the conversation on sustainability with in-depth livestreamed and recorded discussions. You’ll engage with an audience of around 225 people and thousands more online, while all GLF platforms and social media will support your work. You’ll have the option of running a Digital Summit before and/or after your event and you can reach a global audience, drive action and inspire discussion through GLF outreach and media activities.


Price: EUR 15,000

Session length: 90 minutes

Your benefits as host:

Leading a discussion forum comes with a wide range of services and complimentary items:

  • The GLF coordination team will support the organization of your session;
  • Assistance on optimizing and making the most of your content and connecting with audiences;
  • 15 complimentary registration passes;
  • Priority on GLF media, social and traditional media channels so you can reach your target networks and a global community;
  • Space at the GLF Bonn event in the Maritim Hotel Bonn to run your forum;
  • Video recording for use on your website(s) and communication channels;
  • Audio-visual equipment for recording, along with simultaneous translation (Spanish, French) – additional cost;
  • Access to a GLF-curated list of young professionals and youth experts relevant to your session’s topic;
  • Your digital/print logo will be featured on all event communication products and website.

Past Interactive Session

Landscape Launchpads

Show your work far and wide. This is your opportunity to reach a global audience through GLF platforms. Debut your initiative, book or report launch, new technology, alliance or pledge to the world and to the press present at GLF, on-site and online, following in the footsteps of the International Partnership for Blue Carbon, AFR100, the 20×20 Initiative, the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) and more. Over 12,000 people watched GLF Bonn 2018 online, with more than 24 million engaged online.

Price: EUR 3,000 (filmed) OR EUR 4,500 (filmed + livestreamed)

Session length: 45 minutes

Host benefits:

Showcasing your work with the GLF includes access to a wide range of services:

  • The GLF team will support and advise your media and communications activities
  • You will be able to announce your launchpad, share relevant content, engage with the global community before, during and after the event using GLF social and traditional media channels
  • Five complimentary registration passes
  • Audio-visual equipment for recording, along with simultaneous translation (Spanish, French) – additional cost;
  • GLF will feature your logo (digital/print) on all event communication products and website
  • Space at the GLF Bonn event in the Maritim Hotel Bonn with a captive audience of up to 50 people, including media, and thousands more online.

Past Launchpads

Table Top Exhibition

Book a space where you can share knowledge, build and reach out to networks revolving around a specific theme —and you will have the entire two days of the GLF to make the most out of it. You can run presentations, interactive discussions and share your results and experiences.

Price: Price: EUR 3,000 per table top

Session length: throughout the entire 2 days of GLF Bonn

Host benefits:

As a host, you will benefit from a wide range of services and complimentary items:

  • Facilitation support from the GLF Coordination Team;
  • A physical space in a prime location at the GLF Bonn event in the Maritim Hotel Bonn with access to all event participants between 22-23 June;
  • Your logo (digital/print) logo will be featured on all event communication products and website;
  • The GLF team will support your social and traditional media and communications activities;
  • Two complimentary registration passes per table top.

Past Table Top

Side events

Want to launch a new program/project, unveil a new strategy, run thematic discussions or have a reception, all while strengthening your outreach? Then you should run a side event at GLF Bonn! They offer more independence, while falling in line with the GLF mission and objectives.

Price: EUR 15,000 per 1.5 hours

Session length: Varies

Host benefits:

Hosting a side event comes with a wide range of services:

  • By-request support from the GLF Coordination team on how to exploit the full potential of your event
  • 15 complimentary registration passes
  • A physical space accommodating 200 participants in a prime location within the Maritim Hotel Bonn, with access to all event participants
  • We will feature your logo (digital/print) on all event communication products and website
  • The GLF team will support your social and traditional media and communications activities
  • Simultaneous translation services – optional cost.

Past Side events


Take advantage of a private room at the conference to host meetings or workshops specific to your needs. Whether you are looking to facilitate a workshop with 30 - 40 invited participants to deep dive into collaborative processes or convene dialogues related to our theme of Rights, or plan to hold a series of meetings throughout a day, the space is yours to work with.


  • 1 hour 30 minutes - 1000 Euro
  • Whole day - 7500 Euro


  • Private, dedicated space
  • Projector, flipchart and pens provided
  • Access to GLF Facilitation Toolkit
  • Announcement of your session across our communication platforms

For more information, contact Judith Sonneck

Learning Café

The Landscape Learning Café is The place during GLF conferences to connect, share, learn, and act. Its central location in the conference center makes it the ideal place to organize informal learning sessions, sharing lessons learned, and seeking advice from an engaged audience. Grab a computer to enroll in the Landscape Academy; put your project on a digital map; or watch a film. In short, the Landscape Learning Café is a free space, especially created for YOU. If you are hosting a formal session or a table top exhibition, use the Café to continue the discussion or demonstrate your work. If you are not hosting a formal session or a table top, you can book a one-hour timeslot in the Café to have your own participatory session for €1,000.

As the GLF Bonn Annual Conference 2019 is all about landscapes and rights, claim your space, raise your voice and get inspired in the Landscape Learning Café!


  • Share lessons learned, and get valuable feedback
  • Learn from others
  • Network
  • Reach a global audience: your work will be featured on our various GLF social media channels with the potential to reach 250M
  • Your logo will be featured on event communication products and the GLF website
  • You will get expert support and advice from the GLF media and communications team

For more information, contact Cora van Oosten