Fabian Schmidt-Pramov


Advisor - International Forest Policy
Advisor - International Forest Policy
Advisor - International Forest Policy

Fabian Schmidt-Pramov has a strong background in the areas of forests and climate change, REDD+ and forest financing. Before joining the GIZ in 2009, he worked for 3 years in the private sector, mainly for innovative forest investment projects in Central America (Costa Rica/Panama). He also worked for CIFOR, the World Bank and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). He has 12 years of experience in managing and implementing public and private projects. His technical background includes REDD+ approaches, sustainable forest management, markets and trade in forest products (timber, NTFPs and carbon). Based on his work for the private sector he is well experienced in standards and certification systems for forest commodities. He has on the ground working experience in Peru, Costa Rica, Panama and Indonesia. Fabian holds a M.Sc. in Tropical Forestry and Management from the University of Dresden. He likes photography, birdwatching, mountain biking and surfing.