Christopher Kaoma


Head of Spatial Planning for Wildlife Protected Areas for the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of the Ministry of Tourism and Arts in Lusaka, Zambia
Head of Spatial Planning for Wildlife Protected Areas for the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of the Ministry of Tourism and Arts in Lusaka, Zambia
Head of Spatial Planning for Wildlife Protected Areas for the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of the Ministry of Tourism and Arts in Lusaka, Zambia

Mr. Christopher Kaoma is the Head of Spatial Planning for Wildlife Protected Areas for the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of the Ministry of Tourism and Arts in Lusaka, Zambia and is the principal investigator of the Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) Task 190 Conflicting Land uses (Agriculture Vs. Wildlife), a joint initiative of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Germany, responding to the challenges of global change. Throughout his professional and academic career, Mr. Kaoma has spearheaded and contributed to the formulation of various policy documents for Zambia. Over the last fifteen years, Mr. Kaoma has gained extensive experience and expertise while working in areas such as Natural Resources Management and Protection, Environmental Education, Soil, Vegetation and Water Conservation, Environmental Impact Assessment and Rural Community Afforestation. He has also prescribed remedial actions on environmentally degraded areas.