Sustainable landscapes are essential for food security, health, livelihoods, business and trade opportunities, including those involving renewable materials and energy. International agreements play a critical role in development, biodiversity conservation, water security, and climate mitigation and adaptation.

Working towards achieving the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, the New York Declaration on Forests, the Aichi Targets, the Paris Agreement on climate change or such regional efforts as the African Agenda 2063, the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn 2018 aims to “reignite the flame” to accelerate and mobilize collective action on the ground. To that end, GLF Bonn 2018 will allow participants to share knowledge with policymakers and each other in the pursuit of new and green development pathways in landscapes.

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GLF Bonn 2018 aims to achieve or boost:

  • Increased multi-stakeholder dialogue and coordination across sectors to plan and advance implementation of country commitments.
  • Strategies and approaches that meaningfully link global commitments to local needs, interests and aspirations.
  • Connecting sustainable landscape approaches to global processes to achieve stronger commitments towards reduced deforestation, enhanced restoration, and land degradation neutrality to combat hunger, achieve food security and provide green development pathways.
  • Greater collaboration between existing learning networks and communities of practice to foster ways to share knowledge, innovations, and models.
  • More targeted, applied research for informed decision-making drawing on what has worked/ not worked so far.
  • Help prepare the “glue” that holds together all the above elements.

Discussions at GLF Bonn 2018 seek to provide practice-oriented insights and solutions for moving from country pledges to action, accelerating investments in sustainable landscapes, upscaling successful cases, mobilizing decision-makers and building favorable policies and regulations. Using the main GLF themes  – landscape restoration, food security and livelihoods, rights, finance and measuring progress – as the “spark” to ignite action, GLF Bonn 2018 will provide a space where actors from all sectors and policy levels can act together to build and strengthen a Global Community of Practice that shifts pledges from paper to reality.

From thematic pavilions and booths to TEDx-style Landscape Talks, you have the opportunity to shape an event estimated to bring together 2,000 participants and a global audience online. Even more, don’t miss the GLF learning opportunities and digital summits to kickstart and strengthen your networks and follow closely how youth is shaping action on the ground. Stay tuned for competitions, polls and quizzes.

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