• Sunday, 2 December 2018
  • 09:00-10:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Discussion Forum 12: Help create the future of sustainable trade: Discussion on the new Verified Sourcing Area mechanism


Nairobi 3-4

Join the IDH and partners in discussing Verified Sourcing Areas: a new market mechanism aimed at providing large volumes of commodities in line with sustainability commitments at a competitive scale and price, while lifting the base level of sustainability in producing regions.

VSAs provide an answer to pressing issues like deforestation, smallholder livelihoods, water- and pesticides use. VSAs go beyond farm-by-farm certification and single product solutions, to stimulate regions working towards inclusive green growth. Thereby, we are connecting responsible commodity production to international demand, and turning global company commitments into green, inclusive growth. IDH has convened a VSA Steering Committee which is now overseeing the development of the VSA model.

Learn more about the new VSA approach and join us to help think through how verification can be robust yet cost efficient, and how to mainstream VSAs – beyond a frontrunner agenda – by making it replicable and scalable in more geographies. This is an interactive session and through creative break-out discussions we hope to encourage active audience engagement.

Come and share your thoughts, and be an active participant at our session!

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