• Sunday, 2 December 2018
  • 11:00-12:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Discussion Forum 14: From forests to markets, making supply chains greener through PPPs


Nairobi 1-2

The forest landscape restoration (FLR) process should contribute to the development of a sound base for a circular bio-economy – away from the fossil fuel-based economy – and should guide a transition in which sustainable forestry and legal supply chains play a significant role in producing the timber and forest products, energy, food and ecosystem services of the global bio-economy while contributing to achieving multiple SDGs. This session will discuss the issue of green supply chains for the sustainable and legal production of timber and forest products to support FLR, focusing on:

• raising awareness of the benefits of using wood produced from legal and sustainable sources in a transparent manner at every “link” in the
chain – in the forest, on the log truck, in the mill, on the ship and in the showroom – and thereby increasing demand for wood in domestic and international markets;

• the need for new guidance on restoring degraded (production, protection) forests and building
sustainable and financially viable tropical forest landscapes;

• sharing key messages from the workshop and dialogue on global green supply chains held in June 2018 in China calling for actions and
commitments across a wide spectrum of stakeholders to ensure the sustainable and legal production of timber and forest products; and

• facilitating public-private partnerships for global green supply chains to bring the technical expertise and investment needed for sustainable restoration and value-added forest products.

The session is designed to accelerate coordination among stakeholders in sustainable landscape restoration, including communities and the private sector, to further the aims and objectives of the Bonn Challenge and the New York Declaration on Forests. It will also contribute to connecting sustainable landscape approaches to sustainable forest management in the tropics in the context of achieving the SDGs 12 and 15.
Relevant experts will speak on the need for new guidance on building sustainable tropical forest landscapes and promoting sustainable wood in the context of FLR. A panel will engage the audience in discussions on the opportunities and challenges of promoting the sustainable production and consumption of wood for successful FLR. The interactive approach will help foster dialogue among stakeholders about the issue of sustainable supply chains and providing a global perspective on the sustainable restoration of degraded tropical forests.

– Dr. G. Dieterle
– Dr. J. Blaser
– Ms. D. Anoussi, President of MALEBI Women Association, Côte d’Ivoire

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