• Sunday, 2 December 2018
  • 16:00-17:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Discussion Forum 18: Landscape Programs in Actions: Experiences from the Field


Nairobi 3-4

An integrated landscape approach can help countries tackle rural development challenges – poverty, rapidly expanding populations, deforestation and land degradation, – and create thriving rural landscapes that benefit people, the economy and the environment. However, implementing a landscape approach requires political commitment, coordination across sectors, stakeholder engagement, financial resources, clear rights, and sound technical know-how. The World Bank supports client countries in bringing together these key ingredients for landscape programs by tapping a range of tools and financing instruments. In this discussion forum, representatives from Brazil, Mexico, and Mozambique will share their experiences in building landscape programs that combine multiple projects and activities to deliver transformative results.
In the Zambézia Province of Mozambique, the government is improving the management of natural resources and promoting rural development through the Zambézia Integrated Landscape Management Program (ZILMP), with support from the World Bank and other development partners.
In Mexico, where some 80% of forests are owned by indigenous and other communities, the World Bank has been supporting the Government with a series of projects that have increased sustainable forest management, forest-related jobs, and the net value of forest goods and services.
In Brazil, the World Bank is supporting the government in better managing and conserving the Cerrado forest, the second largest biome in South America, deforested twice as quickly as the Amazon due to land clearing for agriculture and cattle ranching. The various investments underway are addressing drivers of deforestation by clarifying land rights, making agricultural production more sustainable, providing monitoring and information, and building capacity to detect, prevent and fight forest fires.