• Saturday, 1 December 2018
  • 11:00-11:45 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

“Voices of the Landscapes” Plenary


New York

Over the course of recent decades, communities across different cultural, ecological and political contexts have put into action innumerable restoration and sustainable management efforts and techniques, proving that local communities and indigenous peoples are crucial to improving the health of landscapes across the globe. Initiatives led by or involving local and indigenous groups have showcased visionary leadership as well as helped improve livelihoods, wellbeing, tenure rights, equity for marginalized groups and rural development in line with the SDGs and other commitments.

The GLF Voices of the Landscapes plenary shines the spotlight on such actors from around the world, bringing their diverse viewpoints, stories and knowledge to the center of the global stage. In this first plenary, we will hear inspiring land users and leaders answer the question: What makes a community landscape initiative successful? On the ground, what does such success look like, and how is it shaping our collective future?