• Saturday, 1 December 2018
  • 18:00-19:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Discussion Forum 8: Shaping agricultural supply chains to help people – and landscapes – prosper


Nairobi 1-2


  • José Román Carrera, Director Partnerships and Development Latin America at the Rainforest Alliance
  • Gladys García, Indigenous Community Leader from Mexico, Rainforest Alliance partner in DGM project
  • Andreas Brede, Advisor to Sustainable Value Chains and Standards program at GIZ
  • Daan Wensing, Program Director Landscapes and Deforestation Commodities at IDH
  • Marc Daubrey, Founder and Senior Advisor at IMPACTUM
  • Joanna Durbin, Director at the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance
  • Lenneke Braam, Director Standards and Assurance at the Rainforest Alliance

Agricultural supply chains are responsible for over 70% of tropical deforestation, but can also be important drivers for reforestation and landscape restoration. While landscape initiatives emerge around international supply chains, sector and sub-national initiatives strive to halt deforestation and reforest landscapes. But how can the sector be incentivized to invest in more sustainable landscapes?

What role can certification play to achieve results on landscape level? The session will discuss examples that showcase the pathway from commitments and pledges on sustainable landscapes to implementation, focusing on prevention of destruction of natural ecosystem to restoration and rehabilitation of landscapes. It will also explore the positive impact this landscape approach has on the livelihoods of producers within the area, facilitating a discussion on the business case for public-private partnerships in landscape management. The role of the public sector in creating an enabling environment for innovation and investment by business will be highlighted, and case studies will be assessed to explore the challenges and opportunities of working across scales and sectors in order to create more climate-smart and resilient landscapes for people, food production and nature that foster landscape restoration.

The session will explore the possibilities of advancing an integrated management strategy by local communities that combines sustainable management, value-added processing, financing and access to markets. It will also look at the role certification in advancing and incentivising multi-stakeholder landscape sustainability initiatives that reduce agricultural-driven deforestation and promote broader ecosystem health and restoration.

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