• Saturday, 1 December 2018
  • 14:00-15:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Opening Plenary


New York

With GLF Bonn 2018’s theme of ‘commitment to action,’ the Opening Plenary will bring together global leaders to tell why they have chosen to be a part of the GLF in their personal missions to improve global landscapes – not only on paper, but in reality.

In line with the GLF’s core themes (restoration, food and livelihoods, rights, finance and measuring progress) landscape champions from different arenas will together discuss what’s effectively bringing different people and communities and sectors together to connect for impact and collectively create real action on the ground. They share insights and solutions gleaned from experience and practice on what works to create progress on commitments, improve investments in sustainable landscapes, mobilize decision-makers, build favorable policies and regulations, and grow small success stories into widespread landscape change.

Focusing on action rather than concept, this Opening Plenary will highlight how the Landscape Approach – the core of the GLF – is being put to use across different sectors, decision-making levels and landscapes to build a Global Community of Practice that shifts pledges from paper to reality.