• Saturday, 1 December 2018
  • 16:00-17:30 | Bonn time (GMT+1)

Discussion Forum 5: Re-imagining global agriculture: partnerships with the private sector to scale up from supply chain sustainability to living landscapes


Nairobi 3-4

This discussion forum will focus on how to achieve net-positive impact in agricultural value chains through a landscape approach. Olam International is a global “seed-to-shelf” agricultural business with operations in 66 countries. Olam grows, sources, processes, trades and supplies around 47 different food and fibre commodities including cocoa, coffee, cotton, edible nuts, grains, spices & vegetable ingredients and wood products, to over 22,000 customers. Christopher Stewart leads Olam’s drive to translate its core Purpose, reimagining global agriculture, into sustainable business strategies, addressing the common challenge of producing food sustainably within living landscapes, contributing to a triple positive impact on prosperous farmers and farming systems, thriving communities and healthy ecosystems.