Tim Rayden


Technical Advisor, Forestry and Climate Change
Technical Advisor, Forestry and Climate Change
Technical Advisor, Forestry and Climate Change
Trillion Trees Programme
Trillion Trees Programme
Trillion Trees Programme

Tim is a graduate of the Oxford Forestry Institute with more than 7 years international experience in forestry. He has worked for ProForest Ltd (an international consultancy that assists companies improve standards of forest management) and before that, community forestry projects in Thailand, and a plantation forestry company in South America. He also spent a year studying the behavioural ecology of western lowland gorillas at the Mondika site in northern Congo. He is an expert in certification standards for forest management and the timber trade and has an in-depth understanding of forest governance and legality issues. He has specialised applying conservation principles within commercial forestry. He has written guides for FSC and WWF and developed and delivered training on this subject for forestry companies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Ghana, Cameroon and Gabon, among other countries.