Shadrack O. Omondi


Executive Director, RECONCILE
Executive Director, RECONCILE
Executive Director, RECONCILE
Chairman, ILC Africa
Chairman, ILC Africa
Chairman, ILC Africa

RECONCILE is a policy research, advocacy and capacity building NGO registered in Kenya. Shadrack is a development sociologist with expertise and experience in organizational development, policy research and analysis in the areas of land governance, facilitating inclusive partnerships in land related investments and conflict transformation. He has been involved in land policy reforms in Kenya and Africa at large. He is also a trainer with over 10 year’s practical experience. Over the years, Shadrack has promoted pastoralism; building the capacity of pastoralist civil society organizations to influence policies, diversify livelihoods and manage their resources sustainably. He has hands on experience in conceptualizing and applying rights-based approaches to development and advocacy; international humanitarian law and has been able to develop diverse training materials for different user groups and publish technical and policy articles in journals and newsletters.