Ntare Bright


Program Manager
Program Manager
Program Manager
Rwanda National Fund for Environment and Climate Change (FONERWA), Rwanda
Rwanda National Fund for Environment and Climate Change (FONERWA), Rwanda
Rwanda National Fund for Environment and Climate Change (FONERWA), Rwanda

Mr. Ntare Bright has been leading a team on designing private sector instruments for FONERWA and is currently working on the establishment of a climate innovation center in Rwanda. Mr. Ntare Bright holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the National University of Rwanda, an MSc in Project Management from the Maastricht University as well as an MBA from the Oklahoma Christian University. He has experience with the implementation of environment and climate change topics in policy, planning and budgeting from his time at the budget department in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning where he worked as team leader for the productive capacities sector. Mr. Ntare Bright has coordinated the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) and Forestry Investment Plan (FIP) development in Rwanda.