Arne Witt


Regional Coordinator for Invasive Species
Regional Coordinator for Invasive Species
Regional Coordinator for Invasive Species

Arne Witt is Regional Coordinator for Invasive Species for the Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), based in Nairobi. He has been involved in a host of IAS projects related to policy development, capacity building, awareness creation, and development and implementation of best management practices, including restoration, in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. He continues to develop and implement IAS projects in these regions.

Arne has Master of Science degrees in Entomology and Conservation Biology and a Ph.D. from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has published a number of papers on IAS impact and management, and authored field guides to the naturalized and invasive plants of Eastern Africa, Laikipia County, and South-East Asia, and co-authored a book entitled Invasive Alien Plants and their Management in Africa.

Learn more on Landscape News:

Q+A: The backstory on invasive plant species with CABI’s Arne Witt