• 15 September 2022
  • 16:00-17:00
  • Room: Digital Room 1

Reaching impact across the board: Scaling up, out and deep through knowledge and integration-based approaches


Digital Room 1

Achieving resilient, regenerative landscapes to address food and nutrition insecurity requires integrated approaches across sectors and involvement from stakeholders at all levels. Effective, consistent and programmatic knowledge management plays a key role in ensuring these goals are met in a strategic manner. This side event, organized under the general context of the FAO-led GEF-7 Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes, will bring together executing agencies from four Global Environment Facility (GEF) Impact Programmes to present, compare and discuss how effective knowledge sharing is a catalytic tool for assuring greater results on the ground, even after the lifespan of the project. Concrete, innovative and replicable knowledge sharing approaches and lessons learned will be presented and discussed with country-level testimonials. The aim is to learn and inspire replication allowing for past experiences to harness future goals and ambitions of transformative Impact Programmes.

Relevant Resource(s):

The State of the World’s Forests 2022 | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Family Farming Development Programme
Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas through the Farmer Field School methodology
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in dry ecosystems to guarantee the follow of ecosystem services and to mitigate the processes of deforestation and desertification
Integrated approach to management of forests in Turkey, with demonstration in high conservation value forests in the Mediterranean region
Amazon Sustainable Landscape Program
Participatory Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Project (NEER-TAMBA Project)
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Strengthening Management of Protected and Productive Landscapes in Surinamese Amazon
Amazon Youth Playing a Hands-on Role in Forest Protection
Honoring women’s contributions to their communities on Indigenous Peoples Day
Announcing: The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) Interactive Data Portal
Emerging lessons from the resilient food systems program

Promoting sustainable land and water use in the Amazon (also in español and português)

En español
Amazonía sostenible para la Paz
Paisajes Productivos Sostenibles
Corazón de la Amazonía
Asegurando el futuro de las áreas protegidas del Perú – PdP
Corredores de Conectividad en dos Paisajes Prioritarios en la Región Amazónica Ecuatoriana
Securing a living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Central Guyana
Construyendo bienestar humano y resiliencia en bosques amazónicos


Family Farming Development Programme
Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas through the Farmer Field School methodology
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in dry ecosystems to guarantee the follow of ecosystem services and to mitigate the processes of deforestation and desertification
Integrated approach to management of forests in Turkey, with demonstration in high conservation value forests in the Mediterranean region
Amazon Sustainable Landscape Program
Participatory Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Project (NEER-TAMBA Project)
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes ProgramStrengthening Management of Protected and Productive  Landscapes in Surinamese AmazonAmazon Youth Playing a Hands-on Role in Forest ProtectionHonoring women’s contributions to their communities on Indigenous Peoples DayAnnouncing: The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) Interactive Data PortalEmerging lessons from the resilient food systems program

Promoting sustainable land and water use in the Amazon (also in español and português)

En español
Amazonía sostenible para la Paz
Paisajes Productivos Sostenibles
Corazón de la Amazonía
Asegurando el futuro de las áreas protegidas del Perú – PdP
Corredores de Conectividad en dos Paisajes Prioritarios en la Región Amazónica Ecuatoriana
Securing a living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Central Guyana
Construyendo bienestar humano y resiliencia en bosques amazónicos