Zulaili Isnaini Habib


Anthropology Department University of Riau, Indonesia
Anthropology Department University of Riau, Indonesia
Anthropology Department University of Riau, Indonesia

Zulaili is a lecturer in the Anthropology Department at the University of Riau, Indonesia. Since 2008, she has been working in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Riau and has also been a researcher in the Center for Disaster Studies at the same university since 2014. Over the past five years, her research has focused on: social identification in Tebing Tinggi District in Riau Province; ecosystem restoration in the area used for planting Acacia in Tesso Nilo National Park; peatland conditions under smallholder oil palm plantations in Dosan and Teluk Masjid villages in Siak District; a feasibility study on four areas of Indonesian peatland restoration; livelihood identification action research in Tebing Tinggi Timur District; an economic strategy for burned former peatlands and the potential for ecotourism in Rawa Mekar Jaya village in Siak District; a synthesis model of community participation in peatland restoration in Riau Province and Central Kalimantan; and the development of multi-stakeholder participation to achieve permanent restoration and repair of water systems based on peatland hydrological unity. She holds a master’s degree in anthropology from the Gadjah Mada University and has been a doctoral candidate in anthropology at the same university since 2018.