Elizabeth Newbury


Director of the Serious Games Initiative
Director of the Serious Games Initiative
Director of the Serious Games Initiative
Wilson Center
Wilson Center
Wilson Center

Elizabeth M H Newbury is the Director for the Serious Games Initiative for the Wilson Center, leading Wilson’s use of games in engaging the public around policy research. As lead of the Serious Games Initiative, she leverages games as a tool for the public communication of science and policy research. Current projects include the Fiscal Ship, a game about the federal budget developed and maintained in collaboration with the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy with the Brookings Institute. Collaborating across the Wilson Center, her works in progress include games pertaining to topics ranging from cybsercurity and plastic pollution. Outside of the Wilson Center, she helps coordinate across federal agencies to help support the ecosystem of games used for social good. Under her leadership, SGI is pursuing how public policy and science can come together in an interactive platform to increase public dialogue and engagement around timely and critical issues of today.

She has presented her research and work before an array of audiences, ranging from the Games for Change Festival, Serious Play Conference, International Communication Association, Association of Internet Researchers. She holds a B.A. in anthropology from Bryn Mawr College, and a Master and PhD from the Department of Communication at Cornell University, where her research interests revolved around understanding multiple dimensions of gaming audiences and the surrounding culture of those who play video games in the context of esports.