Ghedang means peat soil in a local language. With this name, the Forest Farmer Group (Kelompok Tani Hutan) upholds its long-term vision of “improving the community’s economy through livelihood alternatives that are ‘peat-friendly’ without using fire.” KTH Dompas Ghedang Cemerlang was established and facilitated by CIFOR and the University of Riau in participatory action research on community-based fire prevention and peatland restoration, funded by the Temasek Foundation and managed by the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise ( KTH Dompas Ghedang Cemerlang developed, realized and monitored four business models on alternative livelihoods in peatlands using best practices and management. The models are hardwood timber and ecotourism; Liberica coffee; pineapple agroforestry; and home gardens combined with approaches to ecologically assist restoration (e.g. through canal blocking and a participatory monitoring system). This is part of an integrated approach to restoring the peat and preventing recurring fires on peatland. Ayo jago tanah ghedang! (Let’s protect the peatland!)
Forest Farmer Group - Kelompok Tani Hutan
Forest Farmer Group - Kelompok Tani Hutan
Forest Farmer Group - Kelompok Tani Hutan
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