Dompas Ghedang Cemerlang


Forest Farmer Group - Kelompok Tani Hutan
Forest Farmer Group - Kelompok Tani Hutan
Forest Farmer Group - Kelompok Tani Hutan

Ghedang means peat soil in a local language. With this name, the Forest Farmer Group (Kelompok Tani Hutan) upholds its long-term vision of “improving the community’s economy through livelihood alternatives that are ‘peat-friendly’ without using fire.” KTH Dompas Ghedang Cemerlang was established and facilitated by CIFOR and the University of Riau in participatory action research on community-based fire prevention and peatland restoration, funded by the Temasek Foundation and managed by the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise ( KTH Dompas Ghedang Cemerlang developed, realized and monitored four business models on alternative livelihoods in peatlands using best practices and management. The models are hardwood timber and ecotourism; Liberica coffee; pineapple agroforestry; and home gardens combined with approaches to ecologically assist restoration (e.g. through canal blocking and a participatory monitoring system). This is part of an integrated approach to restoring the peat and preventing recurring fires on peatland. Ayo jago tanah ghedang! (Let’s protect the peatland!)