Carla Madueño Florian


YIL alumni representative
YIL alumni representative
YIL alumni representative

Hola! My name is Carla Madueño Florian. I am a Peruvian Biologist graduated at the University of Munich and holder of a M.Sc degree in Global Change Ecology from the University of Bayreuth. I currently work as a Sustainability Consultant for a German Big4. For the last eight years I have studied and travelled between Europe and America following my passion for ecological research, biodiversity conservation and climate action. I have had the amazing opportunity to join IFSA´s delegations to high-level conferences in Rome and Bonn and make a statement together with young peers to halt global deforestation. Being part of the IFSA and YIL Initiative helped me realized how much I enjoyed advocating for nature protection and be a voice for the often called “voiceless”, and how much this voice is needed. Nature is an entity I advocate for in every role I have had, as a sister and daughter in my family, as a student with my University friends, as a researcher and the Organizations that supported my academic training so far, and as a young professional in my current workplace. My message: “Youth is the key ally in any decision we take to protect the Earth”. I am deeply grateful for GLF providing me the tools, skills and the ideal network to meet young people alike, aiming to create seascapes and landscapes of sustainability now!

Learn more about me here: