Fiona Flintan


Senior Scientist
Senior Scientist
Senior Scientist
ILRI, Italy and Ethiopia
ILRI, Italy and Ethiopia
ILRI, Italy and Ethiopia

Fiona Flintan specializes in natural resource management, land governance and tenure, participatory land use planning, pastoralism, participatory rangeland management (PRM), and gender and land-related conflicts. She has spent many years working in East Africa, particularly Ethiopia and Tanzania. Currently, Fiona is based in Rome, hosted by the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, and amongst others, is a team member of the OneCGIAR initiative on Livestock, Climate and System Resilience. As part of this, she contributes to the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, preparations for the 2026 International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists(IYRP) and the global Rangelands Initiative of the International Land Coalition. She has been an active participant and supporter of the Global Landscapes Forum for several years.