• 4 June 2020
  • 09:30-11:00

Our land, our future: securing young farmers’ access to land


Young people are often excluded from access to land due to economic and cultural constraints, increased land fragmentation or discriminatory customary practices. Hence, the unemployment and emigration rates remain high among young people in many rural areas world-wide. However, secure access to land is the basic prerequisite for sustainable rural development and integrated management of landscapes. Therefore, measures to secure and strengthen access to land must take greater account of the needs, challenges and potentials of the young generation of future farmers. In order for youths to actively participate in rural economies, more investment in skills development through training and access to inputs, technology, finance, markets and land is necessary. Furthermore, there is need for enhanced partnership, coordination and synergies among different stakeholders to facilitate the mainstreaming of youth´s land rights components in agricultural value chains and land governance programs. 

This session will examine the barriers young people face in securing land access. We want to explore how to help them overcome these challenges and find stable, profitable employment opportunities in the agricultural sector. Further, we will discuss how we can unlock the potentials of the young rural generation to shape sustainable agricultural landscapes, to contribute to food security and economic growth.


Breakout 1 – Social norms and family issues LIVE NOW
Breakout 2 – Policies and laws LIVE NOW
Breakout 3 – The image of agriculture LIVE NOW