• 4 June 2020
  • 13:15-13:35

Inspirational talks by Crop Trust’s Stefan Schmitz and climate activist Vanessa Nakate, followed by a Conscious Planet talk and a guided meditation with Sadhguru


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As food need to grow, ecological degradation threatens not only food production but our very survival on the planet. It is time for people to become conscious of our fundamental relationship with land. How healthy the soil is today is how healthy we will be. And restoring tree cover is fundamental to restoring habitats, ecosystems, and averting large-scale desertification of our planet. Tree-based agriculture in particular is powerfully placed to harmonize several priorities, including aligning our ecological aims with our economic ones, and reducing human migrations compelled by loss of agrarian livelihoods. For human well-being, for health, for food security, and above all for ecological balance, we must aspire to draw at least 30% of our food from trees.


Every worm, insect, and animal acts in harmony with the ecological wellbeing of the planet. Only we humans, who claim to be the most intelligent species, are not doing that. We act as if we are the only or the last generation on the planet. It is very important that we recognize that every other life has a right to live on this planet too, and our survival is contingent on theirs. The preservation and nurturing of this planet and all living creatures is synonymous with aspiring for a good life for ourselves. It is time to raise human consciousness so our actions transform from a

destructive mode to an inclusive one, bringing people and planet into harmony. Daily practice of a simple yet powerful meditation can bring about balance and stability such that human actions become purposeful and all-inclusive.