• 3 June 2020
  • 13:30-13:35

The role of stories in times of crises


The point has been made that the most distinguishing factor of humans from other species is that we tell stories. We tell stories to remember the past, understand the present and divine the future. Stories underpin systems – belief, political, economic. They are the foundation of our relationships, experiences, self-understanding, communities and populations. This learning track will delve into how the stories we tell affect our collective landscape – the Earth – and its climate. From our linguistic building blocks to the digitization of communication, the track will weave through different parts and means of storytelling, hearing from experts who have dedicated their lives to mastering different forms and formats about the power of the story and how it can, it must, be mobilized in times of crises to create a future with a better story than the present.

Relevant Materials

Landscape News, the news platform of the Global Landscapes Forum

Survival stories: How do we write our own?, by Gabrielle Lipton


“We tell ourselves stories in order to live.” – Joan Didion

“Every story is us.” – Rumi

Storytelling track: A foreword from Landscape News editor Gabrielle Lipton LIVE NOW