• Sunday, 23 June 2019
  • 09:00-10:30 UTC+02:00
  • Room: Saal Reger

Can we walk the talk? Why landscape approaches struggle to grow – and how to give them a boost


Saal Reger

Around the world, there is strong evidence that integrated approaches to landscape management deliver a multitude of economic, livelihoods and environmental benefits. However, despite the recommended spread of such approaches the fact remains that the alarming degradation of our biosphere continues apace.

This interactive session will bring together impact investors, senior executives from regeneration financing businesses, representatives of think tanks and the European Commission, and interested parties to analyze this seeming paradox – success of integrated approaches in terms of their biophysical and social outcomes, but lacking support in investment and governance spaces – and to identify options for overcoming these gaps.

It will start with a short, inspirational review of the existing evidence for the success of landscape approaches in given tropical, temperate and boreal regions.
This will be followed by a lightning talk discussing the many reasons for the seeming inability of the world to embrace these approaches. These include:

  • general inertia against change that requires collaboration across sectors
  • massive pathway dependencies in both public and private organizations
  • diverse mindsets and incentive systems in public, private and civil society organizations
  • inability by private and public leaders to recognize market and socioeconomic trends that favor large-scale changes
  • lack of agroecological expertise and competences of key staff in the Ministries of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment or agri-food companies
  • investors who pay lip service to green and social performances while primarily seeking to maximize financial returns
  • NGOs competing for scarce short-term funding, rather than pursuing long-term strategies
  • Ageing farmers in the Global North and South who seek to meet critical short-term needs

This talk will serve as an introduction to the presentations of astonishing success and unbelievable failure that will follow. These short talks will bring together practitioners that will play tag between those who have succeeded and are identifying the factors of success and those who have failed and have identified reasons for failure.  This will be followed by a panel discussion that will involve players and innovators whose job will be to explore the solution space and to suggest ways in which to overcome the challenges identified in the lighting talk.

The event will conclude with a wrap-up of the problems and the potential solutions identified, and participants will be asked to express their insights, questions, hopes and fears using Slido.