• Saturday, 22 June 2019
  • 16:00-17:30 UTC+02:00
  • Room: Saal Schumann

Getting it right: discussing challenges of a tenure rights-based approach


Saal Schumann

How important is a (tenure) rights-based approach to achieve sustainable management and restoration of landscapes and forests? Listen to different perspectives when an activist, officials and environmentalists discuss challenges and opportunities of bringing together landscape approaches and tenure rights. You are encouraged to participate in the interactive format and enrich the knowledge exchange on what it takes to maximize the impact of securing land rights – for all.

Our discussion will involve the following questions:

  • How can landscape approaches and tenure rights come together in practice? What role do different forms of tenure rights play?
  • What additional incentives are necessary to create a successful dynamic for sustainable landscape management and landscape restoration?
  • What specific challenges arise for indigenous peoples and local communities in landscape approaches, and for (indigenous) women in particular?