• 15 September 2022
  • 14:30-14:45
  • Room: Digital Room 2

Inspirational talks by Joshua Omonuk, Fatmata Binta and Eva Makandi


Digital Room 2

Joshua Omonuk – Voices from pastoralist areas in Uganda
Learn how climate change is affecting pastoralist communities and why their knowledge and voices must be heard to ensure climate justice is delivered.
Fatmata Binta – Cooking traditional nomadic food
This talk will discuss the role of nomadic food in the Fulani community of West Africa and the importance of connecting with traditional cuisines. Chef Fatmata will share stories and transport us to the Fulani culinary world.
Eva Makandi – Youth in ecosystem restoration
The GLF’s 2022 Forest Restoration Steward will discuss her journey in ecosystem restoration and share insights for young people interested in getting involved.