• Wednesday, 30 October 2019
  • 09:00-10:30 UTC+00:00
  • Room: Committee Hall 2

Launchpad: Scaling Up the High Conservation Value (HCV) Approach


Committee Hall 2

A new guidance document and methodology for using the HCV approach in landscape and jurisdictional settings will be launched at GLF Accra. This guide was developed in collaboration with Network Members and HCV experts and with support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and it applies to any context across different geographies, ecosystems and commodities.

The High Conservation Value (HCV) approach is based on six values ranging from biodiversity, large landscapes and ecosystem services to livelihoods and cultural values. The approach is used in certification schemes for forestry, oil palm, sugar and cotton, among others – but the approach is also used outside of certification and at larger geographic scales to identify and conserve important environmental and social values.

Voluntary efforts by a few actors operating in isolated management units are not enough by themselves to effectively address large scale complex challenges such as deforestation, biodiversity loss and threats to livelihoods and cultural values that have multiple drivers acting over large areas and involving many different actors. Increasingly, governments, foundations, NGOs and companies are looking to landscape or jurisdictional approaches to overcome some of these challenges.

Given the growing demand for scaling up, the HCV Network has developed a new methodology. Attend this Landscape Launchpad to learn about it. For more information, please contact Ellen Watson (HCV) or Charlotte von Essen (GIZ).