• Wednesday, 30 October 2019
  • 14:15-15:45 UTC+00:00
  • Room: Committee Hall 2

Interactive Session: Burning Money in Landscapes? – Firefighting the Economic and Ecologic Damages of Bushfires


Committee Hall 2

Right now and linked with the current events in Brazil and Siberia, fire is at the centre of the political and media attention. But fire is not always a devastating phenomenon: in different regions of the world, bushfires have been used by indigenous communities as a rangeland management tool during centuries. Based on evidence from Madagascar, this session will open the debate on how fire management can be approached at different scales to sustain landscape resilience. The participants will try to identify potential pathways of action that enable to reduce uncontrolled bush fires jeopardizing landscape restoration efforts. Some of the key questions addressed will be:

  • Under what circumstances can the determination of economic costs of a disputable management practice be an incentive for change?
  • What role do land and resources’ access rights play with regards to devastating fires?
  • How to integrate and link the national legal and policy framework with the regional and local level?
  • What is the role of communities in fire management?

As an interactive session, active participation of the audience is expected!