• Wednesday, 30 October 2019
  • 14:15-15:45 UTC+00:00
  • Room: Main Hall

Interactive Session: Third Dialogue on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Bioenergy


Main Hall

This interactive session will bring together various international organizations that agree to join forces to facilitate raising awareness and exchange of ideas and information among stakeholders from both Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Bioenergy communities, with a view to intensify opportunities for collaboration and to develop a joint agenda foraction around Sustainable Bioenergy and FLR.

The session aims to bring out key success factors and best practices that have determined a positive contribution of Sustainable Wood Energy value chains to FLR in the continent of Africa, in order to understand what approaches are effective and how and when these can be scaled

This Third Dialogue is part of a wider series of dialogues on the positive contribution of Sustainable Bioenergy to FLR and vice versa in Africa, initially sparked off by IEA Bioenergy, GBEP and GIZ and then joined by others highly relevant global initiatives actively working on the same thematic area and spatial context. It represents a follow up to the First and the Second Dialogues on Bioenergy and FLR held, respectively, on 01 December, 2018 in Bonn during the 2018 Global Landscapes Forum and in Lisbon, on 28 May 2019, during the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition.