Stella Asaha


SWM Programme Site Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo
SWM Programme Site Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo
SWM Programme Site Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Stella Asaha is a social forester with 20 years of experience in forestry research, community engagement, rural livelihoods and non-timber forest products. She holds a B.Sc. in Botany from the University of Calabar, Nigeria, and an M.Sc. in Sustainable Development, Environment and Natural Resource Management from the Pan African Institute for Development – West Africa, Cameroon. She has participated in and coordinated research activities and publications at national, regional and global levels, including the Landscape Mosaic Project and the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme. Her activities have inspired many young people she mentored in development and natural resources management.