Renald Appiah


Portfolio Manager
Portfolio Manager
Portfolio Manager
Wangara Green Ventures
Wangara Green Ventures
Wangara Green Ventures

Renald leads the portfolio management team, providing business development support to the assets under management. He currently manages a €1m Loan Management Program, sponsored by Achmea Foundation & Solidaridad West Africa, tailored to providing patient capital and technical assistance to four oil palm companies. Renald has experience in impact investing, management consulting, business acceleration, and retail banking over the years. He was the Business Development Manager at Innohub where he was responsible for providing business development services as well as capital raise support to the portfolio companies. He co-led the set-up of the Ghana Tech Lab and Accra Angels Network. He has a Masters in Development Finance from the University of Ghana and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from the University of Cape Coast. He has an Investment Advisor Representative License from the Ghana Stock Exchange and has undergone the Investment Manager Training Program by Aspen Institute (ANDE).