Mufaro Manyanga


Team Leader
Team Leader
Team Leader
Linkages for Economic Advancement for the Disadvantaged (LEAD)
Linkages for Economic Advancement for the Disadvantaged (LEAD)
Linkages for Economic Advancement for the Disadvantaged (LEAD)

Mufaro Manyanga has ten years of experience in sustainable agricultural livelihoods, where she has provided expertise as a Livestock Specialist, M&E Specialist and Team Leader in profit and non-profit organizations. Mufaro, holds a BSc. Agriculture (Animal Science) Honours from the University of Zimbabwe, BSS. Special Honours Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation from Lupane State University and is currently studying towards a MSc. in Animal Science. She has worked on and managed several livelihood development and emergency projects in Zimbabwe. She is also an active livelihoods volunteer, working with resource constrained farmers to sustainably increase productivity and incomes.