Mohamed Bakarr


Lead Environmental Specialist
Lead Environmental Specialist
Lead Environmental Specialist
Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility

Mohamed joined the GEF as Senior Environmental Specialist with a primary focus on Land Degradation and Sub-Sahara Africa. He has nearly two decades experience working on various aspects of integrated natural resource management including agroforestry land use, biodiversity conservation, and ecological restoration in the tropics. Although focused mainly on sub-Sahara Africa, his geographical experience extends across parts of Southeast Asia and Latin America. Prior to joining the GEF, he worked for seven years in several capacities at Conservation International, including most recently as Executive Director of the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science; and four years at the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) in Nairobi, Kenya as Director of Strategic Initiatives (Assistant Director General). Mohamed holds a Bachelor’s degree from Njala University in Sierra Leone, and a Masters and PhD in Tropical Ecology from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida.