Felistus Mwalia


Programme Officer
Programme Officer
Programme Officer
Agroecology, Route to Food Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
Agroecology, Route to Food Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
Agroecology, Route to Food Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya

Felistus Mwalia is the Programme Officer Agroecology with the Heinrich Boll Foundation, working on the foundation’s Route to Food Initiative project, an initiative that advocates for the realization of the Human Right to Food in Kenya. Felistus is a food and farming systems practitioner; involved in research, advocacy, project development, and execution. She hosts the Cha Kula Podcast, a show produced by the Route to Food Initiative that questions the industrial approach to food and farming systems while proposing solutions to all issues affecting food security and the realization of the Right to Food in Kenya.