GLF Africa 2022: As it happened

It’s not because external actors ask for this. It’s because we believe in it. If we are reactive, we may continue to experience more of the same. But if we become proactive, we may well become leaders of new food systems.

Carlos Lopes
Honorary Professor, Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town

Rural communities have much to teach us about enhancing adaptation and mitigation, conserving biodiversity and restoring land, and creating sustainable diverse food systems. If we listen to them and provide the support they need, they can play a major part in building more diverse and sustainable food systems.

Alvaro Lario
President, International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The African youth generation has awakened, and we are committed to doing all we can to build a prosperous Africa. For that, we need African leaders to actively promote investment in the agricultural sector. After all, agriculture is the coolest job in the world.

Ineza Grace
Coordinator, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition

What we have realized is that as much as individual companies are making their own investments in direct supply chains, it has become critical for collective investment in landscapes.

Betty Annan
Country Director, Ghana, World Cocoa Foundation

Africa is not a country: it is a continent. Africa is not ‘defined by poverty’ – Africa is rich. Africa is full of stories; Africa is full of diversity; it’s full of young hearts, it’s full of culture, it’s full of innovation; it’s full of new ideas.

Jamila Jana
Marine Biologist, Stellenbosch University

Never before have we been facing as many global crises simultaneously as we are today. Today, we not only need to take action against one of the worst global food crises ever, but we also need to make our food systems resilient to future crises. Let us consider this as an opportunity.

Jochen Flasbarth
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
White papers
#GLFAfrica Storytelling Contest Summary
It’s time for Africa to rewrite its own narrative. Ahead of GLF Africa 2022, the Global Landscapes Forum and the Youth in Landscapes Initiative hosted a youth storytelling contest that aimed to amplify critical voices from across the African continent.
Our global community sent in over 250 incredible submissions – and here are your
Organizations that engage with GLF