Dorcas Owusuaa Agyei


Project Assistant
Project Assistant
Project Assistant
IUCN Ghana Project Office
IUCN Ghana Project Office
IUCN Ghana Project Office

Mrs. Agyei has over seven (7) years of experience in implementation of several community-based natural resource management projects/ programmes in Ghana. Her specific areas of expertise are forest landscape restoration, ecosystem-based climate change mitigation and adaptation interventions and natural resource governance, particularly promotion of gender and social inclusion in natural resource management (NRM) decision-making. She has tremendous experience in facilitating the creation and strengthening of community-based NRM structures, for example CREMAs. She has also been involved in successfully advocating for incorporation of community-based NRM solutions in sectoral policies at the sub national and national levels.

Dorcas holds a Master’s degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development and a BSc. in Agriculture from the University of Ghana-Legon. She also holds a certificate in Landscape Governance, Restoration and Privatization from Wageningen University.