Jean-Philippe Salcedo Villanueva


Partnership Coordinator
Partnership Coordinator
Partnership Coordinator
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Jean-Philippe is an international professional specializing in environmental diplomacy and sustainable development. He currently serves as the Partnership Coordinator for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). In this capacity, he orchestrates the UN Decade Action Plan by the over 250 partners committed to the success of this global initiative. Prior to assuming this role, Jean-Philippe held the position of Associate Expert to the Chief of Staff and Executive Director of UNEP. He transitioned to the UN from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he had been Desk Officer in charge of sustainable economics, biodiversity, and oceans. This role included negotiating the country’s first national sustainability strategy to implement the SDGs.