Godfrey Eliseus Massay


Country Program Director, Tanzania
Country Program Director, Tanzania
Country Program Director, Tanzania

Mr. Godfrey Massay is a land rights lawyer with over a decade’s experience in supporting rural women and men negotiate their land rights claims. Throughout his work, he has helped built a strong social movement of grassroot network of land rights defenders, supported establishment of multi-stakeholder platforms and coalitions where rural communities engage with decision makers, helped countless men and women access pro bono legal aid on land and property rights, and supported thousands of women and men gain access and control over their lands individually or jointly. Massay has seen first-hand changes such as significant sustainable land use practices, household economic transformation, and meaningful political participation of women who have gained access and control of their land. He has written and published extensively about his experience in these areas. As the current Tanzania Country Program Director for Landesa, Mr. Massay supervise implementation of Stand for Her Land campaign- a coalition of over 25 civil society organizations, supports the Government of Tanzania meets its land rights SDGs commitments through a multi-stakeholder concerted efforts, and supports implementations of land use plans across the country in which rural women and men are given certificates of land ownership and practice sustainable land uses including restoration of degraded lands.