David Owino


Eco-Warriors of Africa film
Eco-Warriors of Africa film
Eco-Warriors of Africa film

David Owino is a documentary film producer and broadcast journalist with fourteen years of active professional practice. Since 2009, he has traversed the African continent, producing news features and documentaries on various issues, including climate change, inspiring human stories, business, culture, disasters and more. He has also produced commissioned documentaries for development organizations, including the UN office for Disaster Risk Reduction – UNDRR, Act Change Transform – ACT, Girls Not Brides UK, AMREF Health Africa, Pathfinder international among others. Currently freelancing for VoA and Africa News, he is a fellow of the Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa (BMIA) for Financial Journalists and the Strathmore Business School programme for Business Journalism (SBJF). Brought up in the villages of Southwestern Kenya, where storytelling is a treasured tool of education, cultural preservation, persuasion, and inspiration; David is a storyteller from birth. He holds a BA in Mass Media and Communication and a Diploma in Film and TV production. Connect with David also on Facebook and Instagram.