Every year, Africa loses an estimated 2.8 million hectares of forest, with deforestation and land degradation seriously affecting its environment and people. But across Africa, change is afoot. Communities on the ground are restoring mangroves, farmland, forests and ecosystems from Senegal to Madagascar, Uganda to Ethiopia. The GLF has created a crowdfunding initiative to make sure these communities have the resources they need to take the next steps in their restoration efforts.

And they need your help in order to make this is a reality.

This crowdfunding initiative is now complete. To follow latest news, events, learning and scholarship opportunities, sign up to our monthly newsletter here


GLF Nairobi showcased 12 stories from different parts of Africa who banded together to restore degraded land. By contributing, you can ensure that more women in Uganda own trees and provide important sources of nutrition and revenue for their families; that mangroves in Madagascar stop retreating and eventually expand to protect coastlines from climate change; and so that trees can take the place of desert in Burkina Faso.

Click on the thumbnails below to check out each story.