Neeshad Shafi


Executive Director
Executive Director
Executive Director
Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar (AYCMQA)
Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar (AYCMQA)
Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar (AYCMQA)

Neeshad is a youth environmentalist, educator and social change advocate. He holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and has over 4 years of experience in analyzing global environmental & climate policies with a special focus on the Middle East. Also, an active member of several global environmental youth groups and contributed actively in international summits including United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations in Paris (COP21), Marrakech (COP22), Katowice (COP24), World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos 2019, and Conference of Youth (COY) summits related to climate policy, sustainable economic development and the empowerment of diverse actors such as young people for climate action, Peace & Security.

Neeshad is a World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Shaper and currently volunteering as Executive Director at Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar, named by the European Commission as Peace Ambassador to One Young World Summit 2017, Global Youth Climate Network Ambassador, Ambassador at Institute for Economics and Peace 2018, Founding Member at Climate Action Network (CAN) Arab World, Liaison Officer at Citizens Climate Lobby for GCC countries, MIT Climate Co-Lab Fellow 2017, and also on board of CoalitionWILD.