Natalie Isaacs


1 Million Women
1 Million Women
1 Million Women

Natalie Isaacs is the founder and CEO of 1 Million Women, a global movement of women and girls who take practical action to fight climate change by changing the way they live. A former cosmetics manufacturer, Natalie realised that individual action is key to a powerful path to solving the climate crisis. She decided to leave behind the over-packaged world of skin and beauty care, to create an organisation that inspires and empowers women to act. Under Natalie’s leadership, 1 Million Women has become one of Australia’s largest networks acting on climate change, is rapidly-expanding internationally and has grown to more than 800,000 women and counting. A pioneer in the gender and climate change arena in Australia, Natalie’s climate journey from apathy to action cuts through complexity and delivers a simple message that resonates with women and girls of all ages. As the Australian Geographic Society’s 2017 Conservationist of the Year, Natalie is a sought-after presenter and is recognised and supported by some of the world’s most influential women climate leaders.