Haris Gunawan


Deputy, Research and Development
Deputy, Research and Development
Deputy, Research and Development
Peatland Restoration Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Peatland Restoration Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Peatland Restoration Agency, Republic of Indonesia

1. Present position: Deputy Research and Development, Peatland Restoration Agency, Republic of Indonesia (20016 till now)
2. Previous position: Director of Disaster Studies of Riau University (2104-2016)

3. Academic Qualification:
1997. Under Graduate, Department of Biology at University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), in Yogyakarta.
2002. Master of Science, Management of Bio-resources and Tropical Environment, Bandung Technology Institute (ITB), in Bandung.
2006. Visiting research fellow at Forestry Department, Gottingen University, in Germany, Focus on tropical peat swamp restoration.
2007. Visiting research fellow: Department of Geography, Leicester University, in UK, 2007. Focus on environmental methodologies to study tropical peatland restoration.
2012 Doctor: Kyoto University, Area Studies.
4. Professional Experiences:
2004-2012: Lecturer of Riau University
2010-2012: GCOE Researcher, Kyoto University
2007- now: Member of International Peat Society Organization
2009-now: Director Executive Center for Tropical Peat Swamp Restoration (CTPRC Indonesia).
2012-2015 : Biovillage Project in Riau Biosphere Reserve-Indonesian Science Institute and Riau University.

5. Publications:
Gunawan, H., S. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno, Y. Kono, O. Kozan. 2011. A Rehabilitation Study on Degraded Peat Swamp Forest in Riau’s Biosphere Reserve. A Report on Rehabilitation Tropical Forest Research Project, Kyoto University, Japan.
Gunawan, H., S. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno, Y. Kono. O.Kozan 2012. Peat Swamp Forest Types and their Regeneration in Riau’s Biosphere Reserve. Peat and Mires Journal of International Peat Society, Finland.
Gunawan, H., S. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno, Y. Kono. O. Kozan 2012. Potential Carbon Sequestration by Rehabilitation of Degraded Peat Swamp Forests in Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve, Riau, Indonesia. Paper for proceedings on The International Workshop on Incentive of Local Community for REDD and Semi-Domestication of Non Timber Forest Product, Kyoto University -Japan.
Gunawan, H., S. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno, Y. Kono. O. Kozan 2011. Progress on Restoration Experiments of Degraded Peatswamp Forest Ecosystem In The Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve, Riau, Indonesia. Proceedings on International Workshop of Sustainable Management of Bio-Resources in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest, Cibinong Indonesia.
Gunawan, H., S. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno, Y. Kono. O.Kozan 2012. Characterizing Biodiversity and Carbon Storage in The Tropical Peat Swamp Forests in Riau Biosphere Reserve: With Initial Result From Rehabilitation Experiments. Proceeding on 14th International Peat congress, Sweden 2012.
Gunawan H. S. Kobayashi, K. Mizuno, Y. Kono. O.Kozan, 2016. Sustainable Management Model For Peatland Ecosystem in The Riau, Sumatra, Buku Tropical Peatland Ecosystem.
Gunawan H, 2018. Indonesian Peatland Functions: Iniated Peatland Restoration and Responsible Management of Peatland for Benefit Local Community, Case Studi in Riau and West Kalimantan Province. Springer.

6. Interesting Research Subjects
(1) Wetland Ecology: Focus on Peat Swamp Forest Ecosystem.
(2) Restoration of degraded peat forest ecosystem