Her work explores emerging technologies and alternative futures through interactive storytelling, sensory experiences, and participatory art to evoke conversation about our current systems, collective futures, and individual choices. She uses her background in molecular biology, fine art, and interaction design to create works that investigate nature, our role in nature, and the tensions between nature and technology, exploring themes such as climate change and sustainability, science policy and citizen science, feminism and participatory art, among others. She has worked in several countries for more than a decade, giving her unique perspectives into many cultures. Bodies of work include The Apocalypse Project, which explores climate change and our environmental futures, Wild Science, which investigates the dynamics between knowledge and power, and Future Rx, a platform for sustainability and citizen science. She earned an undergraduate degree in molecular biology and biotechnology from the University of the Philippines, fine art education from Barcelona, and an MFA in Interaction Design at the School of Visual Arts in New York City as a Fulbright scholar. As a poet, she has read her work at the Poetry Brothel of Barcelona and New York City’s Bowery Poetry Club. She was a correspondent for the Philippine Daily Inquirer for six years.