Selected proposals
Photo by Denis Chukhatin
Over the course of the application period, the Challenge organizers have received 159 proposals on 4 themes from 38 countries across 5 continents. Based on the evaluation, 24 selected proposals have a chance to participate in the Pre-Challenge Bootcamp Program and to compete for the awards and recognition during the Challenge Week.

Please find the full version of the infographic here
Meet the 24 selected proposals
Sustainable forestry
Aral Honey Gardens
Team member:
Natalya Akinshina; Azamat Azizov
Recycling and Forestry as the solutions against desertification and destruction
Team member:
Anvarjon Rahmetov; Pavel Li; Ruslan Lyu
A sea within a seed: Regenerative agroforestry solutions for landscape restoration
Team member:
Nigora Isamiddinova; Neal Spackman; Mehemed Bougsea
The melt water to irrigate crops forest
Team member:
Knyazev Ilya; Sonina Natalia
Encapsulated seeds and Biodegradable net-rolls have no analogues in the world and are considered new innovative methods of phytomelioration of deserts and mountainous areas
Team member:
Alim Asamatdinov
Afforestation by growing Elaeagnus angustifolia and almond gardens for development of the Aral Sea basin
Team member:
Maral Annanurova; Akmyrat Atamyradov; Dildar Babajanova; Nuryagdy Halmedov
Agriculture and Land Management
Transforming salty lands into rich agricultural landscapes by NETICS patented GEOWALL® land cultivating technology
Team member:
Ewoud Volbeda; Hugo Ekkelenkamp; Michel Zuijderwijk; Herman Mondeel
Nutritive Hydrogel for water preservation & Land, soil aeration
Team member:
Zharkyn Imanakunova; Yann Le Coz; Jordan Obri
Sustainable Farming - Improving Farmer Livelihoods and Promoting Sustainable Agriculture providing advisories using a digital platform
Team member:
Silas Joseph; Kunal Prasad; Krishna Kumar; Praveen Pankajakshan
Restoration of degraded and saline lands of the bottom of the dried Aral Sea by treating with Biomeliorant for neutralizing salts and fertilizing.
Team member:
Daulet Yegemberdiyev; Akmaral Dyisenova
Greywater Nexus Greenhouse, Moving Beyond 100% Efficiency in Carbon Cycle
Team member:
Mona Poorzady
BraveHawk Artificial Intelligent Pest Management Technology
Team member:
Shahnaz Shaikh; Khalil Shaikh
Socio-economic development
“Isla O.” Closed Loop Eco Island for Landscape Restoration + Carbon sequestration + Circular Economy
Team member:
Trina Listanco; Endre Balogh
Aral basin news on the YouTube channel “Land and Water CA”
Team member:
Andrey V. Mitusov; Beknazar Ziyabidin; Mehrojiddin Rajabov; Zhaniya Khaibullina
Let's fill Aral Sea with ocean of sounds
Team member:
Otabek Suleimanov; Sanjar Rakhmatullaev; Jurabek Abdurahmanov; Valentina, Indira and team of volunteers
Capacity-building of women on rationale and effective water and land management on the base of Women Water Forum
Team member:
Rasulova Khairiniso; Bobokhanova Muyasara; Tulieva Shohida; Makhmudova Farzona
Sustainable Socio-Economic Agro (SSEA) business for Aral Sea region people in harmony with flora and fauna
Team member:
Aiman Absattarova; Janay Sagin; Zhanuzak Baimanov
From landlocked to leader. Centrals Asia’s youth want to trade up sovereignty for competitive advantage
Team member:
Michel Oosterhof; Socrates Raymond
Information and Knowledge
Sentinels for Sustainable Pasture management: Application in the Aral Sea region and Central Asia (SenSPaApp)
Team member:
Emmanouel Tsiros; Apostolos Karteris; Dimitra Rapti; Ioannis Kapanidis
Using Big Data Sentiment Analysis Technology to Improve Landscape Restoration Efforts
Team member:
Sharanya Rajiv; Tiffany Chan; Matt Trevithick; Xi Hu
PRO-access: provide open-access information services for better land and water management
Team member:
Annemarie Klaasse; Mechteld Andriessen
Remote sensing of degraded lands using drones will make it possible to assess the germination of crops and monitor the quality of the crop
Team member:
Maksat Tuganbekov; Tamenov Timur
Irokko: Artificial intelligence and protection of the Aral Sea
Team member:
Saliou Diallo; Julien Maîtrehenry; Lukas kokot; Victoria Cantillo
ROMPS for sustainable climate data collection from Aral Sea disaster area
Team member:
Almas Kitapbayev; Tilo Shoene; Cornelia Zech; Bolat Bekniyaz