Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Global Disruptive Tech Challenge 2021 aims to identify and support disruptive technologies and innovative approaches to landscape restoration in the Aral Sea region and Central Asia. The Challenge will select innovators (individuals or entities) from around the world to change the lives of millions of people in the Aral Sea region. Proposals obtaining the best scores will obtain recognition and awards in the form of cash and/or in-kind.

This Challenge is open to participants from member countries of the World Bank. Contestants may be any interested individuals or organizations (profit, non-profit organizations, academia).

Contestants should apply online here, providing a full description of their project proposal.

Solutions at minimum viable products (MVP) to more developed stages (e.g. already fully commercialized) are eligible for the Challenge.

You can submit only one proposal per theme, so in total you can submit max 4 proposals.

Submissions which meet the Eligibility and Structural Criteria will be evaluated based on the Quality Criteria by a selection consisting of representatives of partner organizations, representatives of the World Bank, Global Landscapes Forum, DKU and counterpart representatives in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The selection committee will prepare a short list of applicants based on the evaluation results. Short-listed candidates will be contacted by the organizers.

The list of jury members can be found here.

The challenge is organized with the support of the Central Asia Water and Energy Program (CAWEP) a multi-donor Trust-Fund financed by the European Union, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The challenge is administered by the World Bank and will inform the Resilient Landscape Program in Central Asia RESILAND CA +, currently under preparation. It is implemented by the Kazakh-German University (DKU), the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and Plug and Play (P&P). The full list of partners is here.

The project period depends on your proposal. Please note that this Challenge will not finance the proposed project. The World Bank procurement rules apply.

UTC+6 (Almaty time). Find yours by using a timezone convertor.

If you are a winner, the Challenge will support the implementation of your innovative idea by way of awards in the form of cash and/or in-kind. Please note that the monetary prize does not include full funding for the project implementation, it is an award for your innovative idea. The World Bank procurement rules apply.