Ngo Bieng Marie Ange


Researcher in forest ecology
Researcher in forest ecology
Researcher in forest ecology

Ngo Bieng Marie Ange is a researcher in forest ecology, working for CIRAD in the research Unit Forests and Societies, and associate scientist posted in the Forests, Biodiversity and Climate Change Programme of CATIE. She holds a PhD in Forest science and modelling (ENGREF, AgroParisTech) and a master degree in Ecology (Universités de Paris XI et VI, ENS, INAPG). She has a scientific background combining plant Biology, Physiology, Agro-Ecology, Ecology and modelling. She is interested in characterizing complex ecosystems structure and dynamics, assessing biodiversity, sustainable management and modelling forest
and agroforests structure and dynamics. She is now designing projects on the challenges and barriers associated to forest landscape restoration in secondary and degraded forests.